NP, HT 2/12B/1861

From the Houston Telegraph
February 12, 1861
Austin, Feb. 7, 1861
Ed. Telegraph,
   A general summary of all that has been done by the Legislature, affecting the public interest, may not be unimportant, though your readers may have heretofore heard most of it. *****
AN ACT to allow the Houston Tap & Brazoria Railroad Company till January 1st, 1863, to complete their road to Colorado river.
AN ACT to allow the Mexican Gulf & San Antonio Railroad Company {San Antonio & Mexican Gulf RR} till January 1st, 1863, to complete their second section.
AN ACT authorizing the connection of Houston, Trinity & Tyler Railroad with Galveston{, Houston & Henderson} Road, at a point between Houston and Harrisburg.
AN ACT requiring the {Austin & Brenham} Air Line Railroad Company to commence work on their road within six months, and to complete twenty-five miles of said road previous to Dec. 30th, 1863, otherwise, to forfeit charter.
AN ACT requiring the Columbus, San Antonio & Rio Grande Railroad Company to commence work within two years, and to complete fifty miles of their road every two years thereafter.
B. F. D.
