NP, HT 1/22/1861

From the Houston Telegraph
January 22, 1861
   The progress of railroads is excellent. We understand the bridge across the Brazos, on the W. C. Road {Washington County RR} will be completed so as to be crossed by the locomotive, within a week. This done and that road will be at once opened to Chappell Hill, and very shortly to Brenham. This will place us several hours nearer Austin than we now are. The bridge across the Navasota, on the {Houston & Texas} Central road will also be completed in a few days. The contractors on this have the iron on hand to complete the road to Millicans, and we may expect that to be done very soon. The work on the Texas & New Orleans road, between Houston and Liberty is progressing, and also upon the Eastern Texas from Beaumont to Sabine Pass. It can be but a few weeks now before we shall be placed in connection with the Pass, and thence by a daily line of steamers with Berwick's Bay and New Orleans, shortening the time between Houston and New Orleans from twenty to thirty hours. The S. A. & M. G. road {San Antonio & Mexican Gulf RR} is completed nearly or quite to Victoria. The grading on the Columbus Tap road is also, we believe, about completed. A large amount of heavy grading has been done on the fourth and fifth sections of the Central. Altogether railroad progress is as rapid and satisfactory a it has ever been.
