NP, DH 5/1/1861

From the Dallas Herald
May 1, 1861
   The stockholders of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, when we left New Orleans, were generally responding to the call for the purchase of new stock. The intelligence of the stockholders in other localities was flattering, and the hope was indulged that in a few weeks there will be abundance of means to prosecute the work vigorously. Over 250 new hands are at work and the grading of the second section of 25 miles, it is expected to be completed in sixty days. Nothing can delay the prosecution of the enterprize, but the prospect of protracted war. If, as is anticipated by many, peace will follow the formidable preparation for hostilities by the Confederate States, the prospect of the company will at once brighten, and the money required for the fifty miles of road will be obtained at once.
Texas Republican
