NP, DH 2/12/1862

From the Dallas Herald
February 12, 1862
{Memphis & Little Rock} Railroad
   On the 20th inst. the road from here to Devall's Bluff, on White river, was completed, the last spike being driven in by our venerable townsman W. E. Woodruff, sr. The cars are making regular trips now and we are in communication with White river, a stream navigable all the year. The directors will turn their attention to the completion of the middle division which, when finished, will connect us with Memphis. Their ability to do this work is much greater than many suppose. As soon as we receive some data which Mr. Edmonson promised to furnish us with, we will show that the completion of the road is a point of easy attainment, with a little aid from the right quarter.
Little Rock Democrat.
