From the Carolina Watchman (Salisbury, N. C.) |
August 31, 1863 |
Western N. C. Rail Road |
The Stockholders of this road met in this
Town, on Thursday last, but for the lack of a majority of the stock
being represented, either in person or by proxy, were unable to
organize or transact any business. |
As will be seen from an advertisement in
another column, another meeting is called for the 11th September next.
It is hoped that the stockholders will meet promptly, or put their
proxies in the hands of such men as will attend to the business of the
road. There are various surmises as to the failure of the meeting to
organize, which, if true, do not speak much to the credit of those
implied. |
From the report of the President and
Treasurer, we learn that the road is in a very flourishing condition.
The total earnings of the road for the year ending June 1, were
$162,766.55, and the total expense of operating the road for the same
period, was, $62,004.14, leaving as nett earnings, $80,040.14. The
Board of Directors have declared a dividend of 4 per cent. The road is
in good condition. |