NP, CM 6/8A/1861

From the Charleston Mercury
June 6, 1861
   At a meeting of the Stockholders of the King's Mountain Railroad Company, held at Yorkville on the 25th day of March, 1861, in reference to the extension of the King's Mountain Railroad from its present terminus to Dallas, in Gaston County, N. C., or some point thereabouts, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
   "Resolved, That a Committee of three be appointed, to meet at Yorkville on the first Monday in May, to confer with the Commissioners from North Carolina, and devise the ways and means to continue the King's Mountain Railroad to the State line of North Carolina."
   The Chairman appointed John S. Ryan, Wm. A. Latta, and B. T. Wheeler.
   James H. White, J. G. Lewis and Lawson Wilson were the Commissioners on the part of North Carolina.
   Agreeable to this resolution, the committee met in May, and through their Chairman, J. S. Ryan, reported progress -- asking further time for deliberation, naming the 3d day of June as the time required to finish their report.
   In accordance with this resolution, the above named Commissioners, viz: J. S. Ryan, W. A. Latta, B. T. Wheeler, of South Carolina; James H. White, J. G. Lewis and Lawson Wilson, of North Carolina, convened at Yorkville, on the 3d day of June, 1861, by virtue of power vested in them by the Stockholders as aforesaid; and, after due consideration and mature reflection on the subject in question, having in view the best interest of the road, and the great good, in a civil as well as military point of view, to be attained by opening the road into the State of North Carolina, now of the Confederate States of America, do direct that a survey of one or more routes shall be made, a profile and approximate estimate for construction, trestle, also bridge work on said route be executed; and that a committee be appointed, consisting of J. S. Ryan, L. Wilson and W. E. Rose, whose duty it shall be to employ an engineer and such assistants as may be necessary, and have the route surveyed at as little expense as possible, and make a full and explicit report to the stockholders of the Dallas & King's Mountain Company, as hereinafter provided, the expense of said survey shall be equally divided between the two companies, and paid on the requisition of the committee.
   That the Commissioners request the President of the King's Mountain Railroad Company, to call a meeting of the Stockholders of his Company, at Yorkville, on the first Monday in November next, at 12 o'clock, meridian, to receive the report of the Commissioners on the survey, and select such route as they shall then determine upon.
   Given under our hands this third day of June, 1861.
John S. Ryan Chairman
W. A. Latta Commissioners for South Carolina
B. T. Wheeler
Hon. J. H. White Commissioners for North Carolina
J. G. Lewis
Lawson Wilson
