From the Charleston Mercury |
January 8, 1864 |
Acts Passed by the Legislature of South Carolina at the
Regular Session of 1863 |
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An Act to Alter and Amend the Charter of the Cheraw &
Darlington Railroad Company |
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and
House of Representatives, now meeting and sitting in General Assembly,
and by the authority of the same, That section five of an Act
entitled "An Act to charter the Cheraw & Darlington Railroad Company,"
ratified the nineteenth day of December, in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and forty nine, be amended so as to read as
follows, to wit: "That all the powers, rights and privileges granted by
the charter of the Northwestern Railroad Company, are hereby granted to
the Cheraw & Darlington Railroad Company," and subject to the conditions
therein contained, except as to the amount of capital stock, and except
in so far as the special provisions of this Act may otherwise require
the same to be modified or varied. |
Sec. 2. That there shall be elected,
annually, a President and Ten Directors, who shall be eligible from the
body of stockholders, irrespective of the amount of stock or the time of
holding the same, in the manner proscribed by the third section of the
Act Incorporating said Northeastern Railroad Company. |
Sec. 3. That this charter shall in no wise
be subject to the provisions of the forty first section of the Act of
the General Assembly of South Carolina, passed on the seventeenth day of
December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
forty-one. |