NP, CJ 2/5/1862

From the Clarksville, Tenn. Jeffersonian
February 5, 1862
The Memphis & Ohio Railroad
   We find upon our table the eighth annual report of the Memphis & Ohio Railroad, from which we gather many important items of information concerning this great enterprise, in which our people have taken such a lively interest, which has proved of such great service to the country since the commencement of the war.
   The report of the president, Mr. J. P. Wood, gives us an interesting history of the road from its inception to its completion, presents its cost, character, and advantages, present liabilities and future prospects. Its superiority as a route of travel from North to South, is fairly stated, and the statement of receipts shows a very satisfactory condition of the Treasury.
   The original cost of the road was about three and one half millions, and the present indebtedness, is about two millions and a quarter. The length of the road from Memphis to Paris, is one hundred and thirty and seven-tenths miles, and it was completed on May 11th of 1860. The first train from Memphis to Louisville, was run on the 15th of April, 1861. The nett profits on the business of the last year was $171,422.61, which was a very large increase on the business of former years.
   The road has not been entirely exempt from the difficulties and harassing annoyances which attend all new enterprises, but the managers can point to their present success with pride and satisfaction, and safely promise increased usefulness and greater profits in the future. The stockholders have a guarantee in the energy, zeal and ability of their officers. Mr. J. P. Wood, the President, and Mr. Dodamead, the Superintendent, that the interests of the road will be vigilantly cared for, and its highest capacities fully developed.
