NP, ASCY 1/9/1862

From the Southern Confederacy (Atlanta, Ga.)
January 9, 1862
Plenty of It!
Hogsheads of
Barrels of


Just Received

From New Orleans

   We will keep the market supplied, if it is possible for any body to do so.
A. C. Wyly & Co.

Salt, Sugar , Molasses

   I have now is store and for sale, 120 hhds Sugar, various grades, just received from New Orleans, which I will sell to the wholesale trade at very low rates.
A. K. Seago
At a time when railroad transportation was evidently not completely taken for military needs, the above two ads show that 420 hogsheads of sugar (at about 1100 lbs each) would have required 29 cars from New Orleans to Atlanta. The molasses (at 400 lbs per barrel) would have required another 50 cars from New Orleans to Atlanta. By the summer of 1862, such shipments would have been very difficult to make and would have required Special Messengers going with them to ensure prompt handling.
