NP, ASCY 1/10/1863

From the Southern Confederacy (Atlanta, Ga.) 
January 10, 1863
To Railroad Bridge Contractors
   Proposals are invited, and will be received until the 1st of February, 1863, for the masonry and superstructure for a bridge for the Alabama & Mississippi Rivers Railroad, over the Tombigbee river. There will be three stone piers and two abutments, containing about six thousand pieces of first-class bridge masonry. There will be 470 feet of Howe truss bridging, including an arch-top chord draw of ninety feet in the clear. There will also be from a mile to a mile and a half of trestle work, to vary from ten to twenty feet in height. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Engineer's Office in Selma. The work is to be completed by December 1st, 1863. 
   Address the undersigned at Selma, Alabama, who will promptly respond to all inquiries pertaining to this subject.
J. C. Lopez
Chief Eng and Sup't A. & M. R. R. R.
{first published December 21, 1862}
