NP, AC 5/8/1864

From the Augusta Constitutionalist
May 8, 1864
Heavy Loss
   It is stated by the Richmond Enquirer that the great fire at Wilmington has fallen heavily upon the blockade operations. Indeed, it may be considered to have, for some time, put an effectual stop to running the blockade. The difficulty of procuring transportation for cotton will prevent, for several months, the accumulation of a sufficient supply. This loss is very serious at this time. The destruction of property has been very great, and estimated at from three to five millions of dollars in gold.
{Each blockade runner carried between 400 and 1000 bales. A train of 15 cars could provided about 500 bales. The problem was finding a train that could be devoted to a several day round trip from central Georgia to Wilmington and back at the beginning of the campaigning season.}
