{Acts of the North
Carolina General Assembly} |
An Act to Amend an Act Entitled "An Act to Charter the
Shelby & Broad River Railroad Company," Passed at the Session of
1862-'63, and Ratified on the 10th Day of February, 1863. |
Be it enacted by the
General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby
enacted the authority of the same, That the act passed at the last
session of the General Assembly, and ratified on the 10th day of
February, 1863, entitled "An Act to charter the Shelby & Broad River
Railroad Company," be and the same is hereby altered and amended, so
that said railroad shall begin at a point on the Wilmington, Charlotte &
Rutherford Railroad, within the limits of the corporation of the town of
Shelby, in Cleveland county, North-Carolina. [Ratified the 7th day of
July, 1863] |