NA, W&W 7/22/1863

C. S. Engineers Office
Charleston July 22, 1863
Lt. Col. A. L. Rives
Eng'r Bureau
Richmond, Va.
   Mr. White has arrived to-day with the cement & shovels. The Wilmington & Weldon Road lost two (2) bbls. of the cement. Be kind enough to notify the Transportation Q. Mr. (Maj. D. H. Wood, I believe gave the tickets) and have the value as well as their transportation stopped until delivered.
   Mr. White has a receipt for the 100 Bbls. shipped from Petersburg for Charleston. The freight Agt. at Weldon acknowledges to have received them from the Petersburg R. Rd.
I have the honor to be
Very respectfully Your Obdt. Servt.
Wm. H. Echols
Maj. & Chf. Eng'r So. Ca.
