NA, WD 12/29/1861

Head Quarters Western Dept
Bowling Green Dec 29th 1861
His Excellency
I. G. Harris
Governor of Tennessee
Dear Sir,
   Your letter of the 25th Inst was received on the 26th Inst.:
   I was not appraised until the receipt of your letter that Col. Stevenson {President, Nashville & Chattanooga RR} had the supervision of the Louisville & Nashville Rail Road by your appointment:
   If I had known he was regarded as Genl. Superintendent of the road (from my knowledge of his great experience in rail road management & my great personal respect for him) I would not have directed a change of agents without a consultation with him.
   The agents who have managed the road since my arrival have in October were appointed by Genl Buckner with my sanction. Mr. Cole being appointed Superintendent, with Mr. Whaling as assistant. Mr. Fleece being Superintendent of the Paris and Clarksville road was continued, each road being represented by its agent here. Without any knowledge that Col. Stevenson had any authority to exercise any control. Genl Buckner required the Agents to report the affairs of the road to Col. Stevenson and a Treasurer Mr. Chas G Smith gave bonds and was appointed for Clarksville which I understand was satisfactory to Col. S. and I presume Mr. Fuller was appointed in like manner at Nashville for the Stockholders on the Main Stem.
   The bad condition of the road between this and Nashville, the destruction of rolling stock including locomotives out of repair and unserviceable, frequent accidents and detentions in consequence, and the bad habits of some of the employees were frequently brought to my notice. It was manifest that a change was necessary and one by which the best results to be obtained would be, I judged, would be to bring some one here with more authority than either of the respective agents had. I was willing that Mr. Whaling should take the place, but he declined and Mr. Fleece was requested to take it and he accepted it. I thought with reluctance.
   Without enquiring or presuming that blame should attach to any one for the bad condition of the road, I have sought to change that condition for the better, for the benefit of the Stockholders and that of the Confederate Government involved and I hoped, as I had no information to justify any charge against any one, I had affected the change without making any one feel that any disparagement was intended.
   I thought it peculiarly appropriate that the financial and general control should be given to Col. Stevenson, having charge of Govt. transportation at Nashville, as part of his official duty, I am now willing to confirm him in the appt. of Genl Superintendent of the road from this place to Nashville.
   I however desire as I have just placed Mr. Fleece here as Supert. with his wish or solicitation, that he be continued as subordinate to Col. S. and I feel sure that he will render a zealous and hearty cooperation.
   With Great Respect
Yr Obt. Sevt.
A. S. Johnston
Genl. C. S. A.
