NA, T&NO 1/8/1864

Statement of Expenditures of the Texas & N. Orleans Railroad Co from Jany 1st to Novr 30th 1863, in renewing track, bridges & embankments destroyed by freshets, and Buildings, Machine Shop &c &c &c, rendering their road safe for public traffic.
1st Building roadway across Neches Bottom 2,169.58
2d Repairing roadway at San Jacinto, destroyed by freshet in Feby 7,906.42
3d Ditching, raising track & embankment & filling trestle work 46,392.00
4th 89,628 Oak ties delivered at roadway (for'st cost) 71,510.35
5th Hauling, distributing & placing cross ties in track 58,257.40
6th 140 Piles for Trinity river Bridge 3,720.00
7th Carpenters framing, driving piles, raising Bridge, removing drift & Hire of Steam Pile driver 19,306.97
8th Rope for Trinity Bridge 2,097.50
9th Cost of reclaiming Bridge timber 397.50
10th Lumber for same 1,018.10 26,540.07
11th Digging well at Houston 500.00
12th Cost of Labor, Lumber & Shingles for New Shop 6,430.00
13th Nails Hose & pipe for same 1,231.25 7,661.25
14 Stationery Engine for Shop 2,088.22
16 (#15 is not on the document) Tools & Machinery for Shop 16,747.44
17 Negroes grading & building Shop 720.--
18 Patterns for Casting & hire of Lathe 1,120.--
19 Canvass for Covering Cars & tarpaulins 4,090.--
20 Rope for various purposes 4,329.--
21 Lead Pipe for Water Tanks 459.29
22 Lumber for          "         " 1,039.86 1,499.15
23d Chairs, Spikes &c purchased 3,500.--
24th Shovels, Axes & other tools 11,812.75
25th Lumber purchased 6,360.--
Cost of Track connecting {Houston & Texas} Central R Road
1st Grading & laying track 750.00
2d 1000 cross ties for same 1,250.00
3d 25 kegs Spikes 7,500.--
4th 250 Chairs @2$ 500.--
5th 44 Tons rails @ 300$ 13,200.--
6th Spikes & Bolts for Bridge 1,460.--
7th Carpenters repairing   " 900.-- 25,620.00
December Estimated 12,884 ties, cost in track 18,681.80
Estimate for 1862, as stated in Contract 22,957.78
W. W. Morris
Chf Eng & Sup't T&NORR
Houston Texas
Jany 8th 1864
