NA, S&R 5/3A/1862

Transportation Master's Office C. S. A.

Raleigh, NC Dec 9th 1862

Confederate States of America
To Seaboard & Roanoke R Rd Co
For 216 days use of empty cars at Weldon N. C. from 3d April to 13th April 1862 as per order of Genl Holmes @ $3 pr day


For 30 days use of Engine "Virginia" at Weldon NC from 3d April to 3d May 1862 @ $20 pr dy as per order of Genl. Holmes


Raleigh N. C. Dec 9th 1862

   The above cars & Engine were held & used for Government Transportation, by order of Maj Genl. Holmes. The charge of $3 per day for cars and $20 pr day for Engine was agreed upon at a meeting of the Rail Road officers of this state & a portion of the State of Virginia & approved  by Genl. Holmes on the 1st April 1862.

W. E. Peirce

M'r of Transp'n C. S. A.

State of Virginia City of Richmond, to wit:
Personally appeare3d before me a Justice of the Peace for said City Enoch G. Ghio and made oath that the above account of $1268.00 is correct and justly due. Given under my hand this 29th day of Jany 1863
Ricd. D. Lanxay J. P.
