NA, SWR 8/3A/1861

Commandant's Office
Navy Yard, Gosport
3d Aug. '61
Hon. S. R. Mallory
Secretary of the Navy
   I regret to inform you that no suitable burthen cars can be obtained for the transportation of ordnance ordered to be forwarded to Genl. Twiggs, at New Orleans.
   Be pleased, therefore, to inform the Governor of Louisiana of this state of facts, to meet which I respectfully suggest, that the Executive of that State should send flats to some point in Va. where connection can be made with them taking the guns from this place, but restricted to the limits of the State by the R. R. Co.
   I would further suggest that some proper person be sent in to take charge of theses guns.
Very respectfully &c
J. Forrest
Flag Officer & Comdt
