NA, SWR 4/4A/1863

Office Petersburg R. R. Co.
April 4, 1863
Hon. James A. Seddon
Secretary of War
   Your letter received a day or two since calling my attention to the importance to the Government of running trains upon the Gaston branch of this road was immediately referred by me to Mr Sanford, the General Superintendent, with instructions to carry your wishes into effect to the utmost extent of his power. That gentleman has made your letter the object of a written communication to me which I enclose herewith, and to the statements of which deeming the of great importance to the Government, I beg here to ask your attention. I consider it a matter of the first importance to the military service that you should be made aware of the causes, some of which are mentioned in that letter, by which the Rail Road Companies are embarrassed in doing the business of the Government.
I have the honor to be
Your obt Svt
Wm T. Joyner
