NA, SWR 2/4/1865

Richmond Va. Feby 4, 1865
Hon: Jas. A. Seddon
Secretary of War
   I learned last evening that a party from Norfolk, who has the facilities for bringing supplies thro the lines of the enemy, offers to deliver articles necessary for the maintenance of the rolling stock of our Rail Roads, at Murfees Depot, the station nearest the lines of the enemy on the Seaboard & Roanoke Rail Road to which our trains are now running, and receive cotton at said station in exchange therefor.
   The future efficiency of our Rail Roads demands that no opportunity that can properly be availed of should be omitted to secure supplies necessary for keeping up their rolling stock, these supplies are indispensable if the Roads are to be continued in operation, and much that we need can be had with great difficulty or not at all in the Confederacy.
   If the proposition be such a one as the Government can sanction, I would respectfully suggest that permission be granted for the passage of the supplies and cotton to and thro our lines.
   I do not seek or ask any connection with the exchange proposed, save so far as to secure supplies for the Seaboard Road, but should the proposition meet your approval, and it be desired, I will be glad to give any aid in my power, individually, or as President of the Seaboard & Roanoke R. Rd. Co over whose line the cotton will pass to secure that the exchange be confined to the articles mentioned.
I am very respectfully
Your obt Svt.
Sam M. Wilson
{on reverse of letter}
Genl. Lee has urged most earnestly that this trade be confined to supplies for the Commissary Dept. The application is therefore delivered to inform the writer.
By order
J. A. Campbell
Asst. Secy War
Feb 6/65
