NA, SWR 2/16/1863

Camp near Mobile
Feby 16th 1863
Hon. Jas. A. Seddon
Richmond Va
Dear Sir,
   I beg, through this letter to make you personally acquainted with Hon. Robt Jamison Jr of this State, one of our most eminent & useful public men.
   Mr Jamison is President of Alabama's great internal improvement work, the North East & South West Rail Road, & goes to Richd to solicit Governmental aid in its completion because it is a military necessity. That it is so I do not doubt, but I should waste time in writing on the subject when Mr Jamison will be present to present the case assured that every statement made, every promise given, every expectation held out by Mr Jamison will be realized.
   I beg to commend the work to the favorable consideration of the Department & Mr Jamison to you as a man who is the peer of any man in Alabama.
Very respectfully
& truly
Robt H Smith

