NA, SWR 12/8/1864

Richmond Va. Decr 8th 1864
   The undersigned Supt of the Knoxville & Kentucky RR, in the matter of the impressment of the John Williams Engine begs leave to submit:
   That on the 17th day of September 1864 according to contract previously made, Said Engine Commenced hauling salt to Georgia, and it has been in the employment of said State ever since. It has, up to this time, been engaged in work for the State, except when in shop for repairs and except when hauling troops to Saltville just before the Battle at that place.
   The undersigned had received no notice whatsoever that the officers of Government desired to contract for it or intended to impress it before he contracted it to Georgia. The first notice he received bore date Novr 23, 1864. For some time previous to that date also he had come under obligations to Col Robert L Owen President of the Va & Tenn RR to engage regularly in transporting the salt of Georgia in consideration that he would allow the undersigned access to his Shops & for materials furnished for the purpose of repairing the Engine. Owing to his obligations thus previous undertaken to Georgia and to Col Owen, he was not at liberty at the time said letter was presented to him to make any contract or arrangement that would take the Engine from its employment of Georgia on said R Road he then and there so informed the Agt.
To Hon Sec of War
C. A. Mee   Supt.
Richmond Decr 8th 1864
   The above statement so far as related to me as Prest of Va & Tenn RRd is correct. I agreed in Octr (I do not remember the date) to furnish Col. Mee with tires for his engine Jno Williams; it was in this, as in other portions of her machinery almost worn out. I engaged also to provide labor & material to put it in running order, upon the condition, that it should be kept on this road, would assist me in Conf. States transportation when demanded & should haul salt for the other States, which I could not do with the cars of the Va & Tenn RRd, as the State of Va claimed priority of this transportation for the Conf. States & for herself. Seven cars belonging to the E Tenn & Va RRd & two belonging to the Nashville & Chattanooga RRd which formerly assisted in this transportation have been taken to the Danville RRd and I cannot assist the different States in their salt transportation. I have placed this engine in running order & it commenced on Monday last hauling salt for the Conf. States to be credited to the Georgia agents under requisitions made upon them. there are several engines on the South Side RRd requiring less repair than this did and they could with the exertion of the smallest amount of energy be put in running order
Ro. L. Owen
Supt Va & Tenn RRd
