NA, SWR 11/12A/1862

Richmond & Danville Railroad Telegraph
Date Meherrin  Nov 12 1862
Rec'd, Richmond, 12 1862,         o'clock,          min.     M
To Hon Geo W Randolph   Secty of War
   Five of our flats were sent recently to Lynchburg with ordnance for the southwest I requested that at this point the flats should be unloaded & sent back Quarter Master Galt impressed them & sent them forward We have only about thirty flats in use & find it impossible with this small number to furnish the necessary transportation on the line of our own road the Government requires timbers to be hauled from stations on our road to Danville for the Hospital & to Richmond for Anderson & Co new Building & for the gun boats. Flats are also indispensable to haul the gun carriages which are manufactured in Pittsylvania County & to bring to Richmond wood for the government & for citizens if our cars are sent west of Lynchburg we will be unable to supply the transportation which is daily applied for
C G Talcott  {Superintendent, Richmond & Danville RR}
