NA, SWR 1/2A/1863

Office of Buffalo Bayou, Brazos & Colorado R. R. Co.
Harrisburg, Texas, Jan'y 2, 1863
To the Hon Secretary of War
   I some time since addressed a letter to Maj. General J. B. Magruder, Comd'g this District for a detail of two men, now in the Army of the Mississippi, for the purpose of having the machinery of our Road put in such a state of repair as to be able to answer all the demands the Government might make upon it for transportation. Maj. General Magruder in reply stated that he had no authority to detail or transfer those men, they not being under his control. He further stated, verbally, to our President, that he would second my application to the War Department for their detail for the purpose above named.
   The persons I wish detailed or transferred are skilled Machinists, whose assistance I am very much in need of, and who are indeed indispensible to the proper working of our Road in order to enable enable us to render that facility in transportation that the Government requires and expects of us.
   The names of the persons needed, are:
Daniel C. Smith, a member of Lieut Col Finmon's late Co: 2d Texas
A Ward Littig, private in Capt Carter's Co. Waul's Legion
If, sir, in your opinion, the public service will be promoted by granting my request, may I expect your early attention to the matter?
I have the honor to be,
You obt servant
A. C. Mulligan
House of Reps: Feby 16, 1863
Honl. Secretary of War,
   I regret to have to trouble you again on such a matter as the foregoing, but feel it duty bound to let my constituents have your answer direct. If there is any ground on which the Dept. can grant the request, I hope it may be do0ne.
Respectfully &c
P. W. May

