NA, SM 5/3/1864

Enterprise May 3, 1864
Dr. M. Emanuel   {President or Vice President of the Southern of Mississippi RR}
Dear Sir,
   We have read a letter you addressed on the 17th of Feby to the Federal General commanding here when the army occupied this place, and learning that in connection therewith, there has been some reflection on your character as a loyal citizen of the Confederacy, we take pleasure in stating that in our judgment there is nothing in that letter that can be tortured into anything disloyal -- no word in sympathy with the enemy, his purposes or designs. No object of the letter to us seems to have been to secure a favor personal to you and your family & in no wise connected with our Country or its Cause. Your consistent conduct & laborious services for the Confederacy should be a sufficient answer to such an imputation without any expression of our opinion in your behalf.
Respectfully & truly yours
D O Merwick
L Mims
E. H. Rutherford
G P Theobold
G W Tolson
W. F. Bulloch
