NA, SA&MG 3/31/1862

Office Asst Quartermaster
Victoria, Texas
March 31st, 1862
Lieut. B. E. Benton
A. A. A. Genl.
San Antonio, Texas
   I have the honor to submit the enclosed contract for the approval of the Colonel Commanding the S. W. Dist. R. G. It was made for the following reasons:
   Some time since I was officially informed that the Cars on the San Antonio & Mexican Gulf Rail Road would cease running on the 1st of April 1862, and the employees discharged because the expenditures have for some time exceeded the receipts. Knowing that the Road is absolutely necessary for the transportation to and from the Coast, of supplies reinforcements &c. in order to facilitate the interest of the Government (as a Depot cannot be established on the coast without great danger) and as a ??? of communication with the interior for the troops see Major Shea Commanding. I reported the affair to Col. Garlauda who authorized me to enter into a contract with the Rail Road Company, subject to the approval of Proper Authorities.
   It seems to me ??? if the plans for Coast defence are to be carried out, this Road is very essential to their execution for if wagons were to be purchased for that purpose, they would only ????? specified in the contract for Rail Road transportation. Besides the facility guaranteed, especially, in an emergency is a matter of no small importance in my estimation.
   Of course $20.50 per diem will not pay the actual expenses of the road, but the Superintendent is willing to rely in other business to ???t the deficit.
   I trust this contract will meet with the approbation of the Colonel Comd'g for I regard it as a matter of much importance.
   If as I would respectfully request that it be signed (in quadruplicate) & return to this Officer.
   I have the honor to be Sir
Very respectfully
Your Obt Svt
Udoethr Wolfe
Capt & A. Q. M.
CS Army
{contract not found}
