NA, R&P 2/23/1865

Richmond & Petersburg Railroad Co.
Richmond, Va., February 23d 1865
Hon. J. C. Breckenridge
Secretary of War
   A short time since we lost the Master Machinist of this Company, and then obtained from the Rd & Danville RRd Co {Richmond & Danville RR} their Assistant Master Machinist, Mr H. P. Edmond. I enclose a letter from him by which you will perceive that Mr Talcott, Supt of R&D RRd Co, and Captain of a local defence company formed out of the employees of that RRd Company, say Mr Edmond must procure a discharge from you other wise he will still "attend drills and turnout with his Company."
   It is very important to have Mr Edmond in constant supervision of our workshops and especially at this time when we are using every effort to put our rolling stock in the best condition we can to maintain the transportation for Genl Lee's army. Be pleased to direct his discharge.
I am, very respy
Charles Ellis, Prest
R&P RRd Co
{enclosed, undated letter}
Mr E H Gill  {Superintendent, Richmond & Petersburg RR}
Dr Sir,
   You will recollect I spoke to you when I first came to this Road about my being a member of the local defence Company composed of R&D RR Employees. Since then I have seen Capt Talcottt and he informs me that I must attend the drills and turnout with his Company on all occasions unless I am discharged or detailed from it by the Sect'y of War. As we are liable to be ordered out at any time and especially during the next few weeks I write to you to let you know what steps to take in case you consider my services more important in the shop than when out with the Danville RR Co.
Respectfully Yours
H. P. Edmond
Mast Macht
