NA, R&D 7/15/1864

The Confederate States
To R. R. Dickerson
July 15 To Services rendered as Wagon Master hauling Supplies across gap in Rd & Danville R Rd {Richmond & Danville RR} from July 12th/64 to July 14th/64 (3) Three days @ $60 pr Month 6 00
  Rations furnished by Govt $6 00
   I certify, on honor, that the above account is correct and just; that the services were rendered as stated, and that they were necessary for the public service.
R. R. Barbour  Quartermaster
   Received at Clarksville Va. on the 25 day of Sept 1864, of Capt Jas E Haskins ass Quartermaster Confederate States Army, the sum of Six dollars, in full of the above account.
Robert Dickerson
