NA, RR 4/22B/1864

Office Chief Commissary
Charleston 22 April 1864
Maj L. B. French C. S.
Richmond Va
   The following telegram was sent you last evening "Col. Sims, Chief Rail Road Bureau recommends that Rice be shipped in sacks, thinks it cannot be sent otherwise without great loss. Shall it be so shipped? Impossible to avoid several changes of cars. Please answer." I hope to receive your answer this morning. I am prepared to send it either in tierces or sacks.
   The reduction of troops here has left a much heavier stock of Meal and Peas on hand than can be used. I have transferred a good deal of Meal to Capt McKinney at Wilmington but shall still have about six thousand sacks Meal {37 car loads} and two thousand sacks Peas {12 car loads} more than is required here. If I do not succeed in getting it off for the use of the Army, which there is little prospect of, while transportation is so difficult. I should be glad to have authority for making sale of it before it becomes heated.
Respectfully your obedient Servant
H. C. Guerin
Maj & C. S.
