NA, RR 3/22A/1863

Confederate States of America
Quartermaster's Department
Montgomery, Ala. March 22 1863
Col. Wm. Preston Johnston
Aid de Camp to President
Richmond, Va.
   I regret that my temporary absence on duty prevented my meeting you on your visit at this post, as I should have been pleased to have given you much fuller information on the subject of your enquiries, than Capt. Kenworth was enabled to afford you.
   In addition to what has already been submitted, and in response to your esteemed communication of the 19th inst., I have the honor, most respectfully to submit the enclosed statement of the number of wagons, teams &c, and the expense necessary to carry on the city transportation here, as nearly as I can estimate it.
   The first contract for city transportation was made by the Quarter Master Genl and the terms then stipulated have not been varied from since, so much so, that 2240 lbs to the ton have been insisted upon in all instances, when R. Rd. Co.s  and private parties paid drayage at the rate of 2000 lbs pr ton.
   Nearly 18 months ago, Chas. T. Pollard Prest. &c {President, Montgomery  West Point RR and Alabama & Florida (of Alabama) RR} proposed to connect the roads for an advance from Government of $30,000.00, which measure received my most cordial sanction and cooperation; I urged its propriety upon Genl. Waul M. C. and other members of Congress; why this was refused, I never knew, but the result has been that I adopted the only alternative, and continued to hire transportation as before.
   What the probable expense would be now of connecting the R. Rd.s & River, I cannot say, but that an immense saving would accrue to the Government, by such an arrangement, is beyond doubt;
I have the honor to be
Colonel, Very respectfully your obt sevt.
J L Calhoun
Maj & A. Q. M. C. S. A.
