NA, RR 12/9/1863

Special Requisition

314 lbs rope
one swivel block
one double block
one anvil
   I certify that the above requisition is correct; and that the articles specified are absolutely requisite for the public service, rendered so by the following circumstances:  for Capt Harts Company of Engineer troops ordered under my command to the E Tenn & Va RRd
Maj Brown Quartermaster C., S, Army, will issue the articles specified in the above requisition. Jno M. Robinson Capt Engers 
By order of ??? Enspony Commanding
?????? ACS
   Received at Dublin Depot Va the 9 of Decr 1863 of Thos S Brown Maj & Quartermaster C. S. Army the above articles.
Jno M. Robinson
Capt Engnrs Company
