Transportation Office, C. S. A. |
Quartermaster's Department |
Richmond, Va. Nov. 14th 1863 |
Lt. James McHenry Jr |
In charge of Transpn. |
Ord. Dept. Richd Va |
Sir, |
I find it impossible in shipping Ord.
Stores to procure receipts in all cases from the officers to who
they are consigned, and particularly in shipments to the army, where
it frequently happens that the officers are some miles off from the
depot. In such cases I can only get a receipt from an Ord. Sergt. or
Rail Road Agent. I therefore desire to know, if a receipt signed by
a properly authorized Ord. Sergt. or Rail Road Agent will be
received by your Dept when it is impossible to procure any other. |
Very Respectfully |
Eugene Carrington |
Capt & AQM |