NA, RRB 8/22B/1863

Atlanta Ga
Aug. 22, 1863
General S. Cooper
A. & I. Genl.
Richmond Va.
   Having in March last been appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, C. S. Attorney for the Middle District of Tennessee, I tendered April 17th 1863 thro' Qr Mr Genl. my resignation as Major and Q. Mr., and the same was accepted to take effect April 27th 1863, and notice of such acceptance by Special Orders No 102 of your office was duly forwarded me thro' Qr Mr Genl.
   I was not however relieved from duty until July 9, 1863, and was consequently during the interval from April 27th, 1863 to July 9, 1863 compelled to continue the discharge of my former duty. In answer to my application to the Qr Mr Genl. for his approval of my pay and commutation accounts from May 1st to July 9th 1863, I have received the enclosed communication of Aug. 18, addressed me by him, wherein he suggests that I apply to you "for a revocation of the order making my resignation take effect on April 27, 1863, and that it be made to take effect on the day when I ceased to perform duty" viz, July 9, 1863.
   I therefore respectfully ask that you will take such action in the premises as is recommended in the enclosed letter of the Qr Mr Genl.
   In this connection I add that having been in charge of transportation at this Post, I was from the 27th April until the 9th July obliged to sign officially as formerly all orders and requisitions in order to ensure the prompt transportation of public property, and to furnish the Rail Road Companies and others such proper vouchers for services rendered, as would be respected, when presented by them to an auditing officer for payments.
   I especially desire your action in the premises that any acts from April 27th to July 9 inclusive may be made official and my requisitions and orders upon Rail Roads thereby ratified.
   In conclusion I respectfully add that I continued to discharge as above stated, my former duties, not from inclination, but from a sense of duty alone, and with the expectations of being daily relieved.
I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
John L. Sehon
late Maj & Q. M.
