Confederate States of America |
Quartermaster General's Office
Richmond, Aug. 18th 1863 |
John L. Sehon, Capt. |
Late Maj. & Q. M. |
Atlanta, Ga. |
Sir, |
I have received your letter of
12th inst. |
In answer, I have to say, that
you ceased to be an officer of the Provl Army on the day your
resignation took effect, and you cannot therefore be paid as such
beyond that time. |
I would suggest that you apply
to the Adj. & Inspr. Genl. for a revocation of the order making
your resignation take effect on April 27th 1863, and that it be made
to take effect on the day when you ceased to perform duty. |
Your obt. Sevt. |
A R Lawton |
Qr. Mr. Genl. |