NA, RRB 8/17B/1864

Southern Telegraph Form
Received at Richmond Aug 17 1864 at              o'clock                 minutes
By telegraph from Charleston 17  To Col F W Sims
   I beg you will forthwith see Secty of War and obtain permanent detail of Thos M Choate Company A 27th Regt S. C. V. I must have him as we only have two freight conductors & he is one of them we have But his detailed men out of the army in this Co please answer.
A F Ravenel
{on back of document}
Richmond Aug 18/64
Respy forwarded to QMG approved
F. W. Sims
Lt Col & QM
A R Lawton
Q M Genl
Allow detail
By order
J A Campbell
18 Aug 64
