NA, RRB 7/16B/1864

Columbus July 16th 1864  {No date given on the document, but it is clearly the report Gray promised in his 7/16/64 letter}
Col. F. W. Sims   {No address give on the report, but it is clearly the one promised Sims in the 7/16/64 letter}
Chief Rail R Bureau
List of Iron Works in operation in Alabama
Calhoun Iron Works, Calhoun Co
has 1 furnace in blast making about 4 tons
Pig Metal per day, 3 Bloomers & reforming furnaces making on average 1000 #, bar iron per day, this iron is of poor quality not suitable for castg wheels or machine work
Oxford Iron Works at Oxford
has one furnace in blast making daily 15 tons
Pig Metal. The Iron is classed No. 1. soft, fibrous, chills well and would make R Road castings
Salt Creek Iron Works. Talladega Co
one furnace in blast making 7 tons
Pig Metal daily. Iron classed No. 2. very hard
Romp Valley Works Bibb Co
2 Furnaces, 1 in blast making 7 tons
daily. Had no opportunity examining fair sample of metal, saw to be of average quality
Shelby Works Shelby Co
1 Furnace in blast making 13 tons
Pig Metal daily, has also Rolling Mill with necessary puddling fires making about 5 tons merchant Bar Iron per day. The Pig Metal Class No. 1. The Bar Iron is of a good quality not surpassed by any in Iron region
McElwaine Works Jefferson Co
2 furnaces 1 in blast making 7 tons
per day. Metal classed No. 1.
Bibb County Works
owned by Confed. Govt.
2 Furnaces 1 in blast makes 10 tons
Pig Metal daily. Clases No. 1 superr {superior?} for casting heavy ordnance. There is a rolling mill, when working makes 5 or 6 tons merchant iron per day. Machine shop & other works belonging to works, all under control of N & Mining Bureau.
Selma Rolling Mill Selma Ala
Makes merchant bar iron daily about 10  "  
Montgomery Rolling Mill Montgomery Ala.
Makes small roo & hoop iron say 2 1/2 tons
per day when working, mill owned by writer & associates
Naval Iron Works Columbus Ga
2 Rolling Mills Product not ??? owned by Confd Govt.
Shepard Works Bibb Co Ala
has 6 Bloomeres ready to work will be making iron in a few days probably in operation at this time
Red Mountain Works Jefferson Co Ala
not yet in operation has 3 large furnaces ready to put on blast
In addition to the several works before referred to, there are a number of small bloomeres in operation in different locations, their product is small, object of owners being generally to keep out of the army & not to make Iron.
   From the foregoing list you will perceive that the daily amount of Pig Metal is 63 tons, from this must be deducted about 25% for time lost or delays, leaving about 48 tons per day to supply the demands.
   The production of Bar Iron is so uncertain that no correct estimate can be made of quantity as the mills do not work regular.
Respectfully submitted
Your Obt Servt
John D. Gray
