NA, RRB 6/10A/1863

War and Navy Departments
June 10, 1863
   I. Any employee of a Government establishment, belonging either to the army or to the Navy, who shall leave such employment, shall not be received at any other Government establishment whatever, or by any contractor under the Government, unless he exhibits a proper discharge and written permission from the commanding officer under whom he has been serving.
   II. Any contractor under the Government, who shall employ any workmen leaving without proper discharge any Government establishment whatever, or the employment of another contractor under the Government, shall, upon report of the facts to the Chief of the proper Bureau in the Department of War or of the Navy, as the case may be, be notified at once that the detailed men and conscripts in his employment must be returned to their officers.
James A. Seddon, Secretary of War
S. R. Mallory, Secretary of the Navy
