NA, RRB 4/30N/1862

The Confederate States
To J. M. Fairbanks
Apl 30th For services rendered as clerk in the Asst Adjt Genls office 3rd Army Corps Army of the Mississippi From April 12th/62 to Apl 30/62    
  Eighteen (18) days at $70.00 Per Month $42 00
   I certify on honor, that the above account is correct and just, that the services were rendered as stated, and that they were necessary for the public Service.
T B Roy
Asst Adjt Genl
   Received Corinth Miss. May 1st 1862 of Capt J. W. Bedford Asst. Quarter Master C. S. Army, the sum of Forty Two Dollars in full of the above account.
J. M. Fairbanks
