NA, RRB 4/23A/1863

Journal of Executive Sessions, Senate
Executive Session
Thursday April 30th, 1863
{One name among several hundred names processed by the Senate that day}
Confederate States of America
War Department
Richmond, Va. April 23d, 1863
His Excellency Jefferson Davis
President &c
   I have the honor to recommend the following nominations for appointment in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America.
Assistant Adjutant General
William M. Wadley, of Louisiana, for duty as Insptr of R. R. Transportn to rank Nove 29, 1862.
I am, Sir, very respectfully
Your obt. Servt.
James A. Seddon
Secretary of War
   The message was read.
   The Senate proceeded to consider the nominations of William M. Wadley and John S. Preston to be Assistant Adjutant General, with rank of Colonel; and the nomination of John T. Scott, to be Assistant Adjutant General, with rank of Captain, therein contained.
   Ordered, That said nominations be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
   The Senate then proceeded to consider the residue of the nominations contained in said massage, and
   Resolved, That the Senate advise and consent to their appointment, agreeably to the nominations of the President.
Executive Session
Friday May 1st 1863
   Mr. Wigfall, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred (on the 30th ult.) the nomination of William M. Wadley, to be Assistant Adjutant General with the rank of Colonel, reported with the recommendation that said nomination be not confirmed.
   The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and
   On motion by Mr. Davis, That the further consideration of said nomination be postponed till the first Monday in December next.
   It was determined in the negative.
   On the question "Will the Senate advise and consent to the appointment of William M. Wadley."
   It was determined in the negative.
   So it was
   Resolved, That the Senate do not advise and consent to the appointment of William M. Wadley to be Assistant Adjutant General with the rank of Colonel.
