NA, RRB 3/8A/1865

Office Richmond & Petersburg Railroad Co.
Richmond, Va. March 8, 1865
Lt Col F. W. Sims
Chief of Railroad Bureau
Dear Sir,
   I respectfully request that you will have private R. H. Bass of Co. H. 6th Va Regiment, Weisigers Brigade Mahones Division, detailed to work in the service of this Company as a carpenter.
   Mr. Bass is a first class workman and his services are indispensable to this Company.
Respectfully Yours
E. H. Gill
Genl Supt
{on back of document}
Office Supt R Rd Trans
Richmond Mch 8/65
Approved & respy referred to QMGenl. This man is indispensable.
F W Sims
Lt Col & Q M
Qrmr Genls office
Mar 10, 1865
A R Lawton
J A Campbell
11 March 65
