NA, RRB 2/7C/1865

Feby 7th 1865
Capt. H. M. Waller
TP QM Danville
   Please investigate the charges made in enclosed dispatch and report at your earliest convenience.
   There is ac??ly a doubt that the bill of Mr Barnett will become a law. The President may possibly veto it, but it will be passed over his head. You ????? conceive of the ??ly to fuel Q. M.s in the army. We musn't according to congressional views rest in any of theirs, and as the public seeks a victim for the thin ranks of our army, Mr Barnett ??? them a few much abused quartermasters to keep it from inquiring why so able bodied and rich a man is ??? ??? don't shoulder a ??? 
   I shall never believe there is true patriotism in Congress with all its able bodied members are sent to the field, where the ??? ??? that nears the root, their ??? may be ???, not before.
Yrs truly
F. W. Sims
Lt Col & Q M
