NA, RRB 2/24B/1864

Confederate States, Quartermaster's Department
Railroad Bureau
Richmond, Feby 24th 1864
Major J. W. Pegram
A. A. G.
   I can make no arrangements for transporting prisoners that seem capable of fulfillment. The first plan, contemplated the removal of 400 daily, and a schedule arranged for the trains to make connections through to destination was completed.
   On Saturday last you did not send any; I called to learn the reason, but Genl Winder could not inform me. I asked when he would commence again, he could not tell me, but he committed to inform me by special messenger. He did not do so and I telegraphed the trains to go to hauling corn. On Sunday prisoners commenced going again, but I had no notice of that & trains will not be ready for them. Yesterday you informed me that every other day was more convenient and in reply to my question as to whether any is to go this morning you answered affirmatively, yet none went.
   With this kind of management it is just as well to send them at your convenience and trust to luck for them getting through.
   Any time you can promise with certainty that you can send them I will arrange to have them go if its once a week, or every day, or every other day, until you can so promise all arrangements are useless.
Very respy
F. W. Sims
Lt. Col. & Q. M.
{on back of document}
Head Qurs Dept of Heno
Richmond Feb 25, 1864
Respy forwarded to A&I Genl requesting his attention to this letter of Lt. Col. Sims. The Prisoners were more ready to start yesterday morning as per agreement but the Guard failed to report. The Prisoners can be ready at any moment but as their getting off depends on the Guard over which I have no control (being furnished by another Dept) I am unable to make any arrangement will the RR with guarantee of its being kept.
?? Winder
Brig Genl
Respy referred to Maj Genl Elzey who will turn over the guard detailed from his command to General Windor. It is considered in ??? manner alone can difficulties in the removal of the ????? The responsibility will then be devolved upon a single officer.
By Comd Secy of War
H. L. Clay
A. A. Genl.
Feb. 25/64
Hd. Qrs Dept. of Richmond
Feb. 26, 1864
Respy returned. The guard has already been turned over to Brig. Genl. Wider
Arnold Elzey
Maj. Genl.
