NA, RRB 2/23A/1863

Confederate States of America
Quartermaster General's Office
Richmond, 23 Feb. 1863
S. D. Wallace
Wilmington, N. C.
   In reply to your communication of the 10th inst, I have to inform you, that, your acct of Jany 21, for services as Transportation Agent &c for three hundred & eight dollars & thirty eight cents ($308.38) will be paid, on presentation to Major Cameron.
   The bill of Mr W. H. Shaw, Jan 21, for same services, for one hundred & eighty five dollars ($185--) will be paid in like manner.
   Should Major Cameron require it you will transfer this letter to him.
Very Respectfully
AC Myers
Quartermaster General
Head Quarters, Dist of Cape Fear
Office Chief Quartermaster
Wilmington, Feb 26, 1863
Captain C. W. Styron, Depot Quartermaster, will make out the bill on Form 22 and pay the same as above ordered.
Jno. W. Cameron
Majr & Chf Quartermaster
