NA, RRB 12/4/1864

Corinth Miss
Dec 4th 1864
Lieut. Col. F. W. Sims
Chief of Rail Road Bureau
Richmond Va
   I have the honor to request that you will do me the favor to use your influence to have Capt. C. M. Williams my assistant promoted to the rank of Major in the Quarter Master Department. There are many officers who rank as Majors who have not one half the business capacity energy or experience of Capt. Williams, but few have done the service more good. Capt Williams can give any ??? required of him & if any officer deserves promotion he certainly does.
Very Respectfully
Your obdt Servt
George Whitfield
Maj & QM
Montgomery Ala.
Dec. 20 1864
   I fully agree with Judge Phalen and Maj. Whitfield as to the merit of Capt. C. M. Williams and hope he may be rewarded by promotion
T. J. Noble {signature slightly smeared and uncertain}
Maj & QM
