NA, RRB 10/17B/1863

Engineers Office
Houston Oct 17th 1863
E. P. Turner
Capt & A. A. G.
   I enclose you a communication from the Suptd of the Texas & New Orleans Rail Road Co received at this office on the 15th inst.
   The statements therein made, are in the main strictly true, but with the resources at my command, I am totally unable to devise a plan by which the difficulties therein complained of, as well as those embarrassing all the other roads in this department, are to be overcome.
   The Superintendents of the Several roads are generally attentive to their duties, but their executive officers, are frequently too deeply absorbed in their private affairs, to guard strictly the interests of the corporations over which they preside.
   In the majority of instances, the roads have been but imperfectly constructed, with an amount of rolling stock and machinery totally inadequate for its repair.
   During the past two years it has been impossible to supply this deficiency, and without some system of repairs be inaugurated under the control of the military authorities a few months more, will find these roads totally unserviceable.
   The great scarcity of material for the repair of rolling stock, necessarily involves a larger amount of mechanical labor, than would have otherwise been required.
   The mechanics who were formerly in the service of the several railroad companies, who are now so much needed, being men of character and energy were the first who volunteered in the regiments of Artillery and Cavalry raised in this State, and I have invariably found the details asked for by the several railroad companies, embrace nine times out of ten, men in the ranks f one or the other of these Corps, and beyond the reach of detail.
   Again since the organization of the militia, some of the most valuable mechanics are in the ranks of that Cavalry, and these are also beyond my reach, and I feel that as each day the demand for mechanics becomes more urgent, so my ability to obtain them becomes less.
   In the daily working of these roads, there are many abuses and neglects in the minor details of their duty, which impairs their usefulness for Govt purposes, but not understanding to what extent it was desired that my authority should extend, I have in these cases, simply pointed out the errors, with a view to their correction, but regret to state, that but in few instances have my suggestions been productive of any good results.
   Before closing this communication, I would respectfully suggest, that in view of the great importance of rail road transportation to our army, that a ____ number of machinists & carpenters be taken from the army or militia and kept solely for work upon railroads under direction of the Insp'g Engineer. They to be sent from road to road, as their services are required, the roads paying for their services.
   I would further suggest, that an order be issued to the following effect
   In consequence of the continual change of detailed men from Railroads Foundries &c outside of Govt Departments, therefore it is ordered, that any man detailed by his own consent to any Railroad Machine Shop Foundry or other purpose outside of the Govt Departments, will not be redetailed to any other Railroad &c except under an urgent military necessity and should any man leave the Employment for which he was detailed, he will at once return to his Company, or be treated as a deserter. {In the margin beside this paragraph is written: This order will be issued}
   As this trouble has been caused by one Railroad, Foundry &c out-bidding the other, it is ordered, that a uniform rate per day shall be established between the several Railroads Foundries &c and in no case to be changed Except by mutual consent, to be approved by the Maj Genl Commanding.
   And I further suggest that a strict Guard be kept on all the river bridges on the Texas & New Orleans RRoad and on the BBB&C Rail Road {Buffalo Bayou, Brazos & Colorado RR} from this city to Alleyton.
Very Respy Your Obt Servt
E. L. Heriot
Capt & Inspctg Engr R. Rds
