NA, RRB 1/2/1865

Jany 2nd 1865
Chf. Eng. W. P. Williamson  {CSN}
C. S. N.
   It is of the utmost importance that I should have
M. Murphy
W H Brothers
Jno Mackney
true machinists in your service to repair a locomotive now at Rahnes shop and I would respectfully ask if you can possibly spare them for four weeks. The engine is for the Piedmont road and the services are of the utmost importance. I have tried to get eight men, but cannot do without asking you for these three.
   If you agree to let them come to me, I suppose I will have to obtain their detail from Secy of War so I hear they are in the trenches. Am I correctly informed.
F. W. Sims
Lt Col & QM
