NA, QM 6/8A/1864

Quarter Master General's Department
Richmond, June 8th 1864
Hon. W. A. Gasham
C. S. Senate
   The memorial of the Justices of Robeson Co. N. C. asking the privilege of purchasing 5000 bush. of Govt. corn on the line of the W. & M. R. R. {Wilmington & Manchester RR} & submitted by you to the Sect. of War, has been by him, referred to me for reply. It would afford me the most sincere pleasure to relieve this suffering, which daily & urgent applications show me to be real & wide spread, could it be done without hazarding the supplies necessary to the support of our armies in the field. But my utmost efforts with the R. Roads, even after stopping all private travel, have failed to accumulate any surplus; & while this is the case, & armies so large rely for their food upon corn brought from Georgia, I cannot feel at liberty to divest from those armies any portion of the supplies that we have collected upon the Railways.
A. R. Lawton, Q. M. G.
