NA, QM 4/6D/1864

Quarter Master General's Department
Richmond, April 6th 1864
Major Thos Peters
Chief QMaster
Meridian Miss + 5 others
   The great loss of grain sacks when sent to our armies in the field, has become a serious obstacle to this Department in its efforts to furnish the supplies of grain needed by those armies. Not one half of the number is returned for use, whilst the difficulty of adding to the supplies is daily increasing. This evil must be corrected and you are requested to do all in your power to aid therein. To this end you will institute among the officers under your control a most rigid system of accountability under heavy penalty; and when your orders are not obeyed, will enforce promptly the penalties of disobedience. The system adopted and the results therefrom will be reported to this officer.
A. R. Lawton, Q. M. Genl.
