NA, QM 4/29E/1864

Quarter Master General's Department
Richmond, April 29th 1864
Capt. W. E. Pierce AQM
Raleigh, N. C.
   P. S. Seabury transportation agent at Charlotte N. C. reports shipment of corn during the work ending April 25th 1864 at night, at 17,309 sacks of corn {about 114 car loads}. In your report for Apr. 25th '64 of shipments over the Raleigh & Gaston R. R. for the week ending Apr. 2? 1864, there are stated 8,774 bags QM corn & 3289 bags Coms'y corn, making an aggregate of 12063 bags of corn {about 79 car loads} -- making a difference in the amount shipped to you & that shipped by you for that period of 5246 sacks {about 34 car loads}. You are requested to report how this discrepancy has arisen whether you retained that amount for use at the Post, or whether it was not shipped for want of transportation, or whether it was not received by you.
W. F. Alexander, Maj. & Asst. to QMG
