NA, QM 4/28B/1864

Quarter Master General's Department
Richmond, April 28th 1864
Maj. Thos Peters
Ch Q Master
Demopolis Ala
   Herein is enclosed an extract from special orders No 84 current series containing the names of certain officers who have been dropped from the rolls for failure to execute their official Bonds as required by law.
   You will perceive that the list embraces the names of several officers heretofore on duty with commands in the Department commanded by Lieut. Genl. Polk. I have to request that you will designate suitable officers to supply their places from among those at posts which are provided with Post QMasters, regularly assigned thereto, or from among such as may be engaged upon other unimportant duties, not in the field, reporting their names to this office, in order that the necessary measures for their assignment may be adopted.
   Those at Montgomery Ala as many officers of this Dept. stationed there by orders emanating from this office, as are required by the interests of the service & Capt Shortridge, who is understood to be at that point, may be transferred to one of the regiments or battalions referred to.
   Capt. Thos. R. Dashiell now at Columbus Miss may also be ordered on duty, either with one of these commands, or Williams' Miss. Battalion to relieve Capt D. H. Thomas who has been ordered elsewhere.
   It is believed from statements & reports which have recently been made to this office that the number of QMasters in the Dept. of Miss. Ala. & E. La., is in excess of the wants of the service, & I have to request your prompt & zealous cooperation in the adoption of the means necessary to relieve the Dept. of such a may not be absolutely needed. Those officers, if such there be, must either be assigned to appropriate & important duties, or their services will be dispensed with, at an early day in accordance with the law in such made & provided.
   You will also be pleased to report to this office whether Capt Geo. Dashiell is now on duty with the 4th Miss Regt. to which he has been assigned by command of the Secy of War.
A. R. Lawton
