NA, QM 4/22B/1864

Quarter Master General's Department
Richmond, April 22nd 1864
Maj. Thos Peters
Demopolis Ala
   I have to request that you will ascertain & report to this office at your earliest convenience the names of any officers of this Department within the Military Dept. of Miss. Ala. & East La. whose services can be dispensed with in their present positions & who are available for assignment to other duties.
   Vacancies exist or will soon occur in the positions of regimental & battalion Qr Masters which it will be the policy of the Department to supply by assignment under proper circumstances, if suitable officers for such duties are available.
   It is presumed, that as the Posts of Montgomery, Ala & Columbus Miss which are under the control of this Department, were provided with Qr Masters, before Captains Cary & Dashiells were orderred to those points, those two officers can be spared for service elsewhere.
   Many changes in the assignments of Q Masters having occurred since the report of Maj A. M. Barbour was made I have also to request a report from you in accordance with Genl orders No 118 Par 111 series of 1863, a copy of which contained in the circular from this office dated Oct. 1st 1863 is herewith enclosed.
A. R. Lawton
Q M Genl
